Abacoa & Alton Neighbors - January 2022

J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | Abacoa &Alton N E I G H B O R S 35 Florida Orphan Turned Business Leader Perseveres to Build Home for Children Wildfire Ranch Preparing to Welcome Needy Children By Tracy Lamourie Today, Joseph Luczaj is a leader in the local business community, the founder of C.A.R.E. Network Realty, and the heart-based visionary behind The Wildfire Ranch — a Florida-based 501c3 that is scheduled to open its doors to children in need in 2022. It’s a massive project — and Luczaj (lu)- chaay says he’s “paying it forward.” “I credit an organization like this for saving my own life,” he explains with emotion. “Growing up I did not just endure, I survived more than 12 years of failed adoptions, 46 foster homes, and temporary stays in shelters. It was difficult not having a home. This led to years of unrest and anxiety…. Things changed at the age of 16 when I came to Good Will-Hinckley, a home school farm for boys and girls. For the first time in my life, I was surrounded by loving, Christian role models. My entire outlook started to change and I began to understand I had control of my life. There I discovered and developed the foundation for being a stable and successful individual.” “During my quest to build the Wildfire Ranch, I soon realized that it was not about what I was going to get, but what I could offer others,” he says. “It was clear the impact was much larger. The real impact was the Ripple Effect of our actions combined and the everlasting effects they create. Like the numerous waves, a small drop in a pond creates, the waves of goodwill multiply with every new drop we add. The positive effects would compound exponentially. We have the opportunity to touch far more lives than what we first thought originally..." www.carenetworkrealty.com/care- network/ripple-effect/ “Sometimes God sends a message — and other times He lights a fire! I have a fire burning in me to build this home,” Luczaj says with firm resolve. “My mission is to have a Wildfire Ranch in every major city in the US. I want to build a home for that runaway and abused child living on the street today. The Wildfire Ranch will be a beacon of light for children in need.” Wildfire Ranch, home for children. MISSION: To Serve, God, Children and those who desire to contribute. www.carenetworkrealty.com/care-network/wildfire-ranch/ CHARITY SPOTLIGHT 561.630.5800 5440 Military Trail Jupiter, Fl 33458 @WoofGangBakeryAbacoa Abacoa & Alton’s Neighborhood Pet Store *Come see Zou!*