Abacoa & Alton Neighbors - October 2024
0334 10101 Forest Hill Boulevard, Wellington • 561-798-8500 Physiciansareon themedicalstaff of WellingtonRegionalMedicalCenter,but, with limitedexceptions,are independent practitionerswhoarenotemployeesoragents ofWellingtonRegionalMedicalCenter. Thehospitalshallnotbe liable foractions or treatmentsprovidedbyphysicians.For languageassistance,disabilityaccommodations and thenondiscriminationnotice,visitour website.231830364-1923245 8/24 As an American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Center of Excellence, WRMC has demonstrated excellence in: • Mammography • Breast ultrasound • MRI of the breast • Stereotactic, ultrasound and MRI-guided breast biopsies If surgery is needed, breast surgeons perform a wide range of breast cancer surgery. Surgical options typically include: • Breast conservation (lumpectomy) • Mastectomy (removal of all breast tissue) • SAVI SCOUT® to help accurately pinpoint tumors before a lumpectomy or a biopsy. For more information, visit wellingtonregional.com/breast Comprehensive Breast Cancer Care You Can Count On