Palm Beach North Sports - December 2021

D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 1 | P A L M B E A C H N O R T H SPORTS 19 EXPERT CONTRIBUTOR New York Life Insurance Company Lisa Sliney, MS Agent 18421 Lake Bend Drive • Jupiter, FL 33458 CA Lic. #4114781, GA Lic. #3332880, NY Lic. #1583277 Life Insurance and Long-Term Care Options from New York Life The products offered as part of AARP Life Insurance and Long-Term Care Operations are issued by New York Life and its affiliate are not insurers. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, produce or brokers. B: 561-706-1951 Have you ever thought about, “How do I get there?”, “What’s my purpose?”, “Why am I continuing this?” We have all had these thoughts at one time or another during our life. The question then becomes, “What can I be doing each day to make a difference?”, “How can I help?”, or “What’s my purpose?” As we go through life’s journey in these more challenging times, stop and be still. Go to an outdoor area, look up at the sky, and realize that infinity does exist. It materializes in the sky, the sun, and the outdoor picture you see when you open your eyes and realize the vision before has infinite possibilities. We, as humans have our own infinite possibilities. We have the decision-making process on infinite thoughts daily. Which one will you grab onto today that brings that picture, the bigger picture into your reality? Within the past 6 months, the energy outside has shifted in this Pandemic time and a brighter way is moving forward. How do we move forward to embrace that unknown? Sports has been a way to move our focus onto games, competition, enjoyment, communication, togetherness, love, and more while being safe. As we all navigate this new unknown path, look at the ability we all have within to go and share the love of sports for our children, professionals, college teams, and our own life team. Make changes for the better, help others from your heart, and bring your own blueprint into the infinite possibility to embrace the unknown while creating a legacy in this life. Get involved with helping future young leaders, the children of today, while building new friendships now. It’s a bigger picture of need than we see. Thank you Wayne, Editor, for bringing us together in our communities through your vision. A perfect time to come together. Thank you, Russ Dise, for your heart and love for the children to have created a Sports Complex to offer them great expansion of their minds and teamwork while bringing families closer together. To our Community, let’s get this project off the board and shovel in the ground. Best to all and proud to be a supporter. Lisa Sliney EMBRACE THE UNKNOWN By Lisa Sliney