Palm Beach North Sports - March 2021

4 P A L M B E A C H N O R T H SPORTS | M a r c h 2 0 2 1 BECOME A FOUNDERS TEAM MEMBER: MEMBERS BENEFITS INCLUDE RECOGNITION OF YOUR COMMITMENT, AND SPECIAL EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. FOR MORE INFORMATION: VISIT OUR SIT E WWW. PBNSPORTSPLEX.COM The site of the future PBN Sportsplex is 5101 117th Court North, Palm Beach Gardens, FL WHO ARE WE? A world-class indoor, sports-themed, recreation facility that will foster social equality and inclusion, while providing people of all ages, from all walks of life, and of all abilities a safe, state-of-the- art environment to help them achieve their goals through fitness and team sports. OUR MISSION - To develop and operate a world class community recreation facility that will provide people of all ages and abilities a safe, state-of-the-art environment to help them achieve their goals. THE RIGHT LOCATION, THE RIGHT COMMUNITY, THE RIGHT TIME, THE RIGHT FACILITY Phone: 561-623-5326