Palm Beach North Sports - May 2022

M a y 2 0 2 2 | P A L M B E A C H N O R T H SPORTS 19 EXPERT CONTRIBUTOR So much has taken place in the first quarter of 2022 that we all sometimes forget just how far along we have come. Now, the month of May is upon us, and the new fresh air of Spring has sprung. That being said, our new and wonderful Palm Beach Sports North publication has a spring in its step with the front cover wonders and the inside information pieces. So much good has come from reading this publication that now, students want to be recognized for their love of all sports and what they have learned through the lessons of sportsmanship during the past year. We should stop and look at all the good that has happened during the past years of the pandemic and give thanks for the good and positive spirit this publication has brought us. Giving of ourselves, building new friendships, business relationships, and embracing the new unknown have allowed this publication to flourish and offer so much more than just simple advertisements and knowledge. It has been a beacon of new information and new sporting events evolving right here in Palm Beach County with schools now recognizing that their own students have significant visibility. The purpose of the Palm Beach Sports North publication was to bring attention to students and learn about the sports that they love so much. So, the question then becomes, where do we go from here? That really is something we all can think about. We have the ability to share information about people we may know that should be recognized here. We have a local publication that shares so many interesting stories and introduces us to new people and places, while also giving information to the publisher as to what we might want to know more about. This publication brought new insight and information to us during a time when we needed positive information. Who would you like to see recognized and what schools would like to share their players or success stories on how they help shape the lives of future athletes? The word is out. It is not a secret anymore that Palm Beach County offers all sports to be enjoyed in our own sports backyard. When we help another, we help ourselves as well. Let’s move forward in that direction. Lisa Sliney, MS/HSA, Independent Insurance Agent MAY Is the Month of Spring Where Flowers Bloom and Birds Sing By Lisa Sliney Preparing your Future. Protecting the Present. Lisa Sliney, MS/HSA, LNHA Licensed Agent Cell: 561-706-1951